Thursday, December 17, 2015

Skillshare & jeff staple.

I spent my lunch hour shooting these and had a blast doing it.
Every hour counts.

By now most creatives are familiar with Skillshare. It isn't a secret anymore, especially in this industry. With some of street culture's finest like Trashhand, Van Styles, and jeff staple creating there own classes for the masses, it's definitely catching on with creators across the world and got my attention early on. If you somehow are unfamiliar with Skillshare, I'll quickly fill you in. Skillshare is a community that offers classes on everything from type design, branding, culinary tutorials, animation, writing and honestly, a ton more that is far too extensive to list here. Students take the classes online by watching videos and submit projects & assignments in a forum-type setting. The real kicker is that virtually ANYONE can be a teacher on Skillshare. I've personally barely scratched the surface of what is available in this community but I am happy for all the learning I've been blessed with so far. It's so amazing how much knowledge there is.

Detail of the original Death illustration.

Back in November, jeff staple released his third class, The Definitive Guide to T-Shirt Design and Manufacturing. After reading through the assignment and joining the class, I felt it would be a great idea to apply one of the Cessation pieces to this project and get it crackin'. I will keep the details here brief and if you are at all interested in my design process, click the link below and check out what kind of work goes into a single t-shirt. If by chance you are a part of the Skillshare community (or join after reading this), comment some feedback on my project and I will send you some free stickers.

Easy peezy.

Click here to view the Death tee design process.

Keep Pushin' Forward,

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